Is there drag me to hell 2
Is there drag me to hell 2

is there drag me to hell 2

” Mounce also explains the word “ pyr.” He states, “For the most part, this kind of fire appears in the New Testament as a means used by God to execute judgment. The Lexham Theological Workbook states, “In classical Greek, this verb describes the act of holding a prisoner in Tartarus, the level of Hades where the wicked are punished. ” “ Tartaros” is the another word used in Greek for Hell. Hades is a temporary place that will give up its dead at the general resurrection. Mounce also explains the Greek word “ Hades.” He states that, “It is conceived as an underground prison with locked gates to which Christ holds the key. When the Jews discussed punishment in the afterlife, they employed the image of this smoldering waste dump. Eventually, the site was used to burn refuse. In Old Testament times, it was a place used for offering sacrifices to foreign gods. It is a noun derived from the Hebrew phrase gy’ hnwm, which means “Valley of Hinnom.” The Valley of Hinnom was a ravine along the southern slope of Jerusalem. After an examination of the Old Testament, one can see that Sheol was a place of suffering for the wicked.

is there drag me to hell 2 is there drag me to hell 2

The description in this passage is that it is a place of torment (16:23 a & 16:28 b) anguish (16:24 b & 16:25 b) and flame (16:23 b). In the New Testament, “ Sheol” is mentioned in Luke 16:19-31. Selah.” So based on these passages in Job and Psalms the description of “ Sheol” is that it is a place that is deep, covered in darkness, chaos, a prison, and where God’s wrath is experienced. Psalms 88:6 b-7 states that it is“ 6b…in the regions dark and deep, 7 Your wrath lies heavy upon me, and you overwhelm me with all your waves. So in light of this, what is an accurate description of “ Sheol” for the wicked? Job 10:21 b-22 states that it is “ 21b…the land of darkness and deep shadow 22the land of gloom like thick darkness, like deep shadow without any order, where light is as thick darkness.” Job 17:6 b states that it has bars.

is there drag me to hell 2

Psalm 9:17 states that, “ The wicked shall return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God.” Psalms 55:15 b states, “ 15b…let them go down to Sheol alive for evil is in their dwelling place and in their heart.” In both of these passages it is a place for the wicked, the ones in whom evil dwells in their hearts. The account of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31 supports this view. Post-canonical Jewish writings, penned between the close of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament, did make distinctions in “ Sheol” for the wicked and the righteous. In the Old Testament, “ Sheol” is not just for the wicked, but it is also for those who lived righteously. In the Old Testament “hell” is not specifically mentioned in name, but the word used in reference to the after life is “ Sheol,” which is used to refer to the dwelling place of people after death. “Sheol”: Place of the Dead in the Old Testament ” Now a question may be asked, what do the Scriptures teach about “ hell?” Packer also writes, “New Testament teaching about hell is meant to appall us and strike us dumb with horror, assuring us that, as heaven will be better than we could dream, so hell will be worse than we can conceive. It is so unpopular with us that few would give credence to it at all except that it comes to us from the teaching of Christ himself. Theologian R.C Sproul writes, “There is no biblical concept more grim or terror-invoking than the idea of hell. It is a harsh and terrifying truth that awaits those who will not respond to the Gospel. “ Hell” is a Christian belief and teaching that many would like to avoid or forget altogether. Hell is a place of torment, ordained by God for Devils and reprobate sinners, wherein by His justice He confines them to everlasting punishment tormenting them both in Body and Soul, being deprived of God’s favor, objects of His wrath, under which they must lie to all eternity.

Is there drag me to hell 2